Schools and Sports

I knew this had to be coming. As I have watched and participated in the discussion of public education – the cost and the productivity. I have been waiting for a discussion of the range of tasks schools are asked to perform and the resources devoted to these different tasks. Most of the priorities are set with the full cooperation and even urging of parents. Sooner or later, I thought, someone was going to begin asking questions about extracurricular activities and sports in particular. This happened to be the focus of my dissertation so many years ago. Little has changed. It seems a cultural thing that we accept and promote and then argue about the lack of accomplishments in other areas.

I was watching “Good Morning Joe” today and one of the guests was the author of Smartest Kids in the World (Amanda Ripley). She commented on her article in the Atlantic – the Case Against High School Sports. In my opinion, what happens during high school is the least of the problems. Take a careful look at what some elementary school kids are doing.

I knew this was coming.


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