Fargo at Street Level

The battle for visits among Internet destination sites appears to be heating up and each seems to be integrating new services. Often these new services seem a bit removed from the original mission of the site.

In keeping up with an interest in what I would call “realistic maps” (e.g., images from space)(BBC analysis), Amazon has purchased a company (maps.a9) that provide “street level” views of selected cities. I suggest you locate a city you are familiar with and see what you can recognize.

One blogger described the site in the following fashion:

There are a couple dozen cities here containing most of the usual suspects for major citydom — Los Angeles, New York, Dallas, Miami, Fargo — Fargo??! Pick a city.

Be careful now – Fargo is a major city to those of us who live in North Dakota. Uff-da, don’t you know.


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