New Windows Worm

I was at the “club” attempting to do my cardio for the day and watching CNN. The “breaking news” segment was about a new Internet worm that appears to be specific to Windows 2000. Half an hour devoted to a new worm is a pretty serious commitment for CNN so I assumed this must be a big deal.

I decided to go back to my office and see what was happening. The CNN article online now (see above) does not sound that bad, but CNN has added a new banner to the older post indicating more information will be available soon.

It has now been revealed that this worm shut down large numbers of computers at CNN, the New York Times, and ABC. I guess it makes sense it took CNN some time to update their web site.

Additional information on this MicroSOFT security problem, suggested fixes, and updates on the damage done by the worm can be found at the following sites:
CNN followup.
C|NET News
Washington Post


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