AERA ’06 – Post 2

One of the issues facing technology advocates is the increased focus on “scientifically based research.” Who can be opposed to good science? A presentation by Lynn Schrum and Kelly Glassett (paper online) provides a nice summary of this issue for the educational technologist. The paper argues for more complex (mixed model) approaches to topics that fall within this domain.

I apologize for my recent reduction in post frequency. I had intended to finish up the conference with a series of comments. I found myself spending a couple of days in the San Francisco airport trying to escape from the west coast. What are the odds two planes from two airlines would have equipment problems? My wife, flying to Mexico to complete a trip she intended to take a year ago during her bout with cancer, also was delayed because of mechanical problems. I guess I am glad these problems are found on the ground rather than once aloft.


AERA ’06 – Post 1

I tend to follow the work of certain people so I scan the conference schedule to see if these individuals are giving a presentation. I noticed that Helen Barrett was presenting and we follow her work on the use of electronic portfolios. Dr. Barrett is presently working on the REFLECT initiative. She is attempting to determine how electronic portfolios can be used in high schools. The REFLECT site contains resources for those interested in electronic portfolios. REFLECT is supported by TaskStream.

We are also finding some time to take advantage of what is unique to San Francisco.

cable car
