This blog offers the opportunity for comments. This allows readers to respond to what I say – agree, disagree, or extend. Until a week or so ago, such responses have been very uncommon. I wish this was not the case, but few people react to my posts. Please feel free.
Like I was saying, a week or so ago I began receiving comments to various posts every few hours. Somehow, I have become the target of comment spam. The messages vary from promoting products that have nothing to do with the posts to which these promotions are attached to strange stuff in other languages. This blog must have somehow been added to a list.
I have been trying to figure out the motivation for these comments. I moderate the comments to this blog. This translates as nothing appears to the general public until I approve the comment. I would approve most comments should they have any level of relevance, but the comment spam that has been appearing lately is just irrelevant stuff. Unless I am missing something or there is a motive here I don’t understand, I can’t figure out why these comments keep coming.
BTW – if there is a goal here I am missing, please feel free to comment.

I have discovered the source of the spam. I was using an extension from Akismet to block spam. Akismet decided this blog was commercial in nature because it contains ads and deleted my account. The challenge is that the least expensive service for a commercial site from Akismet costs more than the ad revenue I make in a year so my only solution is to discontinue comments. Sorry to anyone wanting to add a comment.