DocDrop +

I have not generated a post about layering for some time. I found a description of DocDrop and thought it provided a great example of how the concept of layering could be applied to the study of video.

DocDrop is a service that allows the simultaneous display of a YouTube video and the associated text normally displayed as closed captions.

This dual display alone may have value, but it is the integration of DocDrop and that offers the opportunity for educators and learners I see as having the greatest potential. was the first layering system I explored and the first I used in a class. It allows the personal or collaborative annotation (highlighting, notes) of text content. I see the value here as a way to improve the processing of text for learning and retention.

Now, the following is a demonstration of the possibility of combining of DocDrop and

If this video interests you, I was not focused in the demo on explaining The following video was generated a couple of years ago to explain the use of

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