Google has a new experimental service called Google Keen. It has been described as Google’s version of Pinterest. It is a way to fashion a collection of resources and then this collection. Here is a quick demonstration. If you are Pinterest user, you probably understand it is a very versatile service resulting in recipe collections, photo collections, etc. Keen appears to offer the same flexibility. Google experiments always make be nervous because offerings I think are interesting sometimes just disappear. Experiment now. Invest heavily with caution.
My demo which is available at the end is based on a trip we were able to take nearly exactly a year ago to southern Africa. The small selection of photos shown here were from the Chobi River region.

The Keen dashboard looks like this. After connecting to Keen, I get this display after naming my creation. Google will use what I call my Keen and the description I add to offer suggestions for elements I might include. These will be displayed under Explore.

With the ADD button, I can contribute resources myself. These can be links, photos, and other types of content. For this demo, I uploaded a few images from my collection.

The collection looks something like this.

The Share button from the dashboard offers several options. I used the URL for this collection to link from the My Demo you see below.
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