The Outside Aisle

Today was spent in the exhibits hall. My feet are in bad shape, but there should be no problem meeting my 10,000 step goal for the day. 

I have a tradition associated with the ISTE exhibits hall. I select one of the smaller booths for recognition based on what amounts to the criteria of the moment. This year’s recognition goes to Hoverlabs. The company sells kits for assembling hovercraft and fits with the STEM and maker movements. The company offers several kits, but the one below caught my attention. You can estimate the size by understanding it is sitting on my hand. I tried to get a shot in the air, but focus was difficult with my phone so I settled for the still shot.

Hoverlabs also caught my attention because I had just listened to a TWIT podcast Know How that includes a quadcopter project.

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Marketing “research”

Research Supporting STEM Education

Discover cutting-edge research for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. Whether you represent a business looking for market research to drive growth or an educator looking for solid research, we’ve compiled the best research in STEM education.

Research is a funny word. It obviously means different things to different people. Our interests likely guide our expectations. My interests lean more toward the demonstration of effective learning experiences and less toward what schools are buying. This bias aside, I do see some value in understanding the motives of schools and educators.

While the title of the report caught my attention, I am unwilling to spend $400 for the 75 page report. What bothers me most about the cost is a matter of contrast. Many complain about the costs of maintaining university library collections of scholarly journals. Note that all such journals are really there for public analysis assuming the public is willing to make the trip to the library. The cost of a marketing survey kind of puts things in perspective.

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