Cranes For Japan

Paper Cranes for Japan is a project that provides students a way to make a contribution to the people of Japan. The Bezos Foundation has agreed to donate $2 to Japan for each origami crane students submit.

Cindy learned of this project through Twitter and contacted Pam Carlson who teaches 4th grade at Wilder School in Grand Forks. Cindy has spent time working in Japan and keeps in touch with several teachers and her interpreter. All were fine following the quake. Cindy was able to connect with Miyako who was her interpreter and arrange a Skype call with Pam’s class.

Folding cranes is no small feat and the students found the video on the Bezos site of greatest value in learning how to create the paper birds.

At last count, the class had created more than 100 cranes with more to come.
