NY Times Says It Is Time to Pay

If you have the iPad app or access NY Times content in some other way, the free access is soon to end. I can’t say I blame the paper, but I do think their expectations are unrealistic. If I understand the model, I would now be expected to pay nearly $200 a year for access. Simply put, this is too much for my level of interest. This is not a knock on the quality of the content – I understand that original research and writing costs. I simply am not interested in most of the content or have options for similar material.

What will I be able to view? Quite a bit as it turns out (see description) –

Visitors can enjoy 20 free articles (including blog posts, slide shows, video and other multimedia features) each calendar month on NYTimes.com, as well as unrestricted access to browse the home page, section fronts, blog fronts and classifieds.

Your free, limited access resets every month: at the beginning of each calendar month, you’ll once again be able to view 20 free articles for that month.

Would I be will to pay? I would. What amount do I think would be appropriate for me? I would say $25-30 a year. Do I have a suggestion? How about a fee for individual sections (something like paying for the Sunday edition, but focused on areas). I look for education and technology content.

I think the next few months should be interesting as far as paid content goes and I hope the Times adds some additional options.
