A Wonderful Life

Cindy and I are spending the first part of our holiday in Duluth. We had originally intended to go to Iowa and then on to a cabin by a like in Wisconsin to spend the holiday with the majority of our family. The storm changed that. We headed to Duluth to get closer to Wisconsin and now it looks like we will be staying here a little longer than anticipated. We are nearly here by ourselves.

A opened my present from Cindy a little early (a 7D) and we have been taking some pictures. A new camera and a good Internet connection. What a wonderful life.

So, I have had some time to explore and I found a new server application from Google (flogr) that offers a new way to display Flickr pictures. Google writing applications to support Yahoo!’s flickr. I uploaded the files to my server and was able to get the application running (take a look). A hint – Previous and Recent tabs appear near the top of photos when moused over.

The 7D takes some great pictures even in the storm.

Happy holidays.
