All of Me

I is a gorgeous holiday weekend and I am trying to work. Perhaps there will be time for fun later. I happen to be working on a chapter focused on the topic of cyberbullying.

Anyway, one of the issues I came across in my reading concerned the origins of the term – who used it first as a technical term.

When I work I tend to be easily distracted and my wife does not help because she is constantly showing me interesting online tools. She ran across a service called “All of Me” that allows the creation of a timeline of available online resources. I am guessing most folks first do a vanity search (or perhaps that is just me). The first record I could find for me was from 1979 – it was the citation for a publication I had that year.

Anyway, I decided to do a search on “cyberbullying” and found the first reference to the term according to this tool appeared in Nov. of 2004. It was not a reference to the two individuals I was searching for (Belsey or Willard), but a complaint about an individual labelled as a cyberbully.

This is an interesting tool to use for explorations. It would not qualify as a professional reference tool, but an interesting way to look for date-related content.



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