K12 Back to School Data

This is kind of interesting – the U.S. Census Bureau has compiled a collection of data relevant to the K12 environment under the heading Back to School 2007-2008 (thanks to Ray Schroeder for this lead).

You have to scroll down quite a ways to find the technology section. In looking at the topics (e.g., use of computer or Internet to complete school assignments – 75% and 66%), I continue to be amazed by how dated the sources are on such topics. The government cites data from 2003. I have been trying to remember how I used a computer in 2003. I remember the components were pretty much the same (keyboard, monitor, etc.). I don’t remember Second Life, creating a wiki, creating a wiki within Blackboard, YouTube, free CNN video, Last.FM, slingbox, the iphone, listening to college lectures from MIT and U.C. Berkeley as late night entertainment when I can’t sleep, etc. Now, some of these options may have been available and they escaped by attention, but most are new. Think the stats have changed?

I do appreciate the effort of whomever put together the list. Not his/her fault the data are old.


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