Update on Riverdeep and Houghton Mifflin

This post is for one of my readers who tried to convince me that the Allyn and Bacon rep told her Houghton Mifflin would be owned by Allyn & Bacon.

Information released to the press today seems to indicate that the Riverdeep purchase of Houghton Mifflin is still a go.

At first blush, we’re smaller, they’re bigger, we’re software, they’re traditional print,” O’Callaghan said. “The real synergy between our businesses is that we’re an educational publishing company just like them, but we’re doing it on different mediums aimed at different funding sources.

Why do I care? Our book is published by Houghton Mifflin and part of my professional future rides on what happens to Houghton Mifflin. Even if this deal goes through, the new owner may sell of the higher ed resources. However, I think being interested in technology enhanced education within a company that is focused on educational software applications may enable some interesting opportunies. Of course, I said the same thing when Houghton Mifflin was sold to Vivendi.

Pardon this personal diversion – content of more general interest soon.

eSchoolNews article on this topic.
