Technology Counts ’06

Education Week’s special issue Technology Counts (you may need to register to view this online resource) is out. We have used this resource for years to track data on K-12 technology use. Basic stats relevant to evaluating changes in student access (e.g., computer to student ratio) are still provided. What I miss from the early editions are data on student use of technology?

The online resource provides state by state information. The authors provide each state a grade in multiple areas and this evaluation may be of interest if you are interested in local schools and technology. There is even a feature allowing state to state comparisons. Because studies (e.g., Cuban (2001), Hernandez-Ramos, P. (2005)) have often targeted California schools assuming “If not here, where?” to gain insight into technology’s potential, I like to compare California and North Dakota. Perhaps the researchers have not considered the data provided in Technology Counts.


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