Poster Possibilities

This is an attempt to regenerate one of the posts I created during the holiday break (before I messed up the database).

Cindy found an interesting automator script in MacWorld that generates a 20 x 30 inch poster made up of 72 or 96 images. She decided to create a poster for each of our children (22-30 year old adults) from our collection of digital images. You need to be running Mac OS 10.4 to make use of this automator script.

The following is a miniature version of one of the posters she created. The result of the process is a PDF file. The cost to print such a file commercially will probably be about $25.

Image of Poster

Since this is after the holidays, I have a second image that gives you a better feel for what the final product looks like.

Kim Poster

Just for the record, the first script she downloaded did not work. Luckily, some time had passed between the time she initially downloaded the script and when she first tried the flawed script. When she downloaded the script a second time and it worked perfectly. Perhaps the original script was flawed and the problem had been reported by others. Read the article associated with the link I have provided to get a general overview of the process, but use the instructions associated with the download itself if you decide to create your own poster.

This procedure may have classroom value in displaying a “collection” of images on a specific theme. For us, it was fun to try to remember the date and situation associated with each image.


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