Highlight/Copy In FireFox

FireFox offers a new extension that allows users to highlight content within web pages and then copy and paste the highlighted material.

Once the extension is installed, the process is simple. Select content, right-click to highlight/copy, and then paste into another application.

FireFox highlight

The paste function includes the web address the comment was taken from (see below) so this will be a great system for online research.

I.A Technology integrated into content-area instruction.This theme concerns the knowledge and skills students will learn. Our emphasis is on applications of technology that are useful in helping students learn traditional academic subjects. We recognize that “computer literacy” is important and potentially a new and unique academic subject. However, computer literacy is not a central theme and many “literacy skills” will be picked up as students make use of technology in their own learning.

(Source URL: http://studytools.psych.und.nodak.edu/book5/chapter1.html)
