
Our Internet access has worked great, but we have encountered one “issue”. Cindy was trying to write about our viewing of Tiananmen Square when we visited the Hall of the People and was attempting to locate the proper spelling. She found that the entry in Wikipedia was “reset” when she attempted to load the link provided by Google. I am guessing that situation is peculiar to our location and you will be able to access the entry.

We visited again today.
Tiananmen 1

Tiananmen 1

Our guide provided the following explanation. The students were protesting corruption. As more and more individuals joined the protest, Beijing was in chaos. The Chinese people value harmony and tranquility and the situation was dire as services were shut down. The government had to move to restore order. Things are much better now and the government has taken action against those who are corrupt. The country is gradually becoming more open and this is a good thing.

The Internet has played a significant role in change. Our guide says that he can use the Internet to find out what he needs to know even when there is nothing in the newspapers or on television.


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