sUND started a technology conference, Beyond Boundaries, five years ago. The conference has grown enough that it is attracting higher ed folks interested in technology from outside the immediate area. A mix is important for generating new ideas.
The opening keynote was provided by Marc Prensky – the digital immigrant/native guy. Past posts would indicate that I find the distinction annoying, but I am on my best behavior today. I understand the value of creating a simple way to brand complex ideas. We all need to challenge ourselves with new ideas. I was reading Jenkin’s book Convergence Culture last night and an idea raised in the final chapter made me think. The opportunity to create content and to exercise control over the content we encounter (e.g., blogs) can allow those with deeply held beliefs to express a position, but also surround this personal position with information sources that are perfectly consistent. There is a danger in hanging out with like-minded individuals. One can create a personal environment that eliminates cognitive conflict because what you encounter within your environment are messages similar to your own. Who’s on your blog list.
I agree with much of what Prensky has to say. It is my sensitivity to being old that is probably my problem. I like Prensky’s idea that teachers should not feel like they have to master technology tools. Rather, what they need to do is understand the tools and the issues that might arise around tool use. Let the students learn how to use the tools.
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