Online at 2

My two-year old granddaughter likes to talk to grandpy (not sure how she spells it) on the computer. She stands on a chair, looks into the monitor, and talks about her day. She and new brother went to the park. She swings high. Her brother is a baby and just sits in the stroller.

For some reason, the situation makes me think of Piaget’s work with children’s concept of living things. What/where does she think I am? Perhaps I am like Dora – a cartoon like thing that lives on the screen. Perhaps I am in the computer. Perhaps her understanding is the same as mine. What exactly is my understanding when I interact with a really bright two-year old online? Maybe there are some things we don’t really have to understand.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

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Family Update

Our kids have had quite a week so for those with an interest in our family here is the news.

Our first grandson (two previous granddaughters) arrived early Wednesday morning. Preston Reid Tanner. Preston, mom, dad, and big sister Addison are all doing fine.

Todd called us last evening. He was in New York with colleagues for the daytime Emmy awards and the science education show he works on, Dragonfly TV, received an Emmy.

I checked the DragonflyTV site this morning – no mention of the award. Perhaps they thought the middle school audience would not be impressed.

Sent to us via Todd’s camera phone.

Finally, daughter Kim called this morning from Ketchikan. She and boyfried Jim are spending the summer working on a whale watching boat. Her MacBook boots to a white screen and there are no Apple Stores with a genious bar in Ketchikan. She called mom – close to the same thing. No boot CD. No dongle to plug in a monitor (may be a bad screen). No firewire to firewire cable to target drive computer to see if harddrive is available. No backups of a great image collection. What did we teach these kids? I am going to miss the blog posts and living vicariously through the images.  We are going to have to figure something out – perhaps a loaner is in order.

Way to go kids! Can’t wait to see what happens next week.


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