WOT is a Firefox add-on that attempts to collect and convey “reputation” information about web sites. The free download allows you to both access reputation data and contribute your own impressions (offer testimony).
Once installed, you will note a symbol in the toolbar of your browser (it looks like a LifeSaver to me). The color of this icon indicates the overall reputation of the site you are visiting.
Clicking on this icon opens up a window offering additional information. You contribute your input by clicking on the individual sliders.
If you want, you can use the preference panel for this add-on to block sites that are not considered safe for children.
At face value, this approach appeals to me. I like the idea of a warning system more so than a filtering system and I like the idea of participating in the process. I wonder if this system would address some of the concerns of the proposed DOPA legislation. For example, as I understand DOPA, commercial social software sites would be blocked. Consider an app such as blogger.com. While the service is a commercial social software site, access is really to individual blogs (i.e., the URL is unique). It would seem a system such as WOT would offer reputation stats for individual blogs.
I wonder if “WOTs Up” is original. Probably not.