Crowdsourcing search with Diigo

There are multiple ways to search. Crowdsourcing search implies that you rely on the popularity of resources within a group to identify what you want to review. There are various ways to do this. For example, Nuzzel identifies links shared by those you follow on Twitter. Those links shared most frequently rise to the top and might then encourage your examination.

I use a similar approach with the social bookmarking site Diigo. In this case, I am searching the stored bookmarks of other Diigo users by frequency within a designated period of time. I use one year for most searches.

Here is the process. Under the Discover heading, use the Community option.


This will take you to the most popular bookmarks, but I want to search these bookmarks for a specific term. In this case, I am searching for “argumentation”.


The search returns hits on the search term. Each snippet includes other information I can use – the number of hits, the date the link was first saved, etc. I can then visit the pages, review the content, save as a bookmark in my own Diigo account, etc.


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