
The list of online productivity tools continues to grow. The newest addition in my personal experience is ThinkFree. This site offers a suite of products providing word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation services. A user has 1 gigabyte of storage space. The voluntary social nature of this site allows collaborative authoring, collaborative file searching, and tags. At the low end, access is supported by ads and contextual ads (i.e., the system knows what you are writing and matches ads to this content). A “pay” version is available.

An extended review can be found at ExtremeTech.

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Blog Entry From Writely

I am becoming interested in Google’s Writely. This product is a very functional online word processor that you operate from within your browser. Writely is free AND it was developed to allow multiple authors to work on a file.

I learned that Writely can be used to author and then send blog posts. So, if you see this post, the blog upload function works.

So, why I would want to author blog entries in this way – the editor in WordPress works great. I suppose there may be some interesting opportunities for several people to co-author a blog entry. Perhaps there would be some advantage in creating a file, inviting specific individuals to work on it with you, and then sending the finished version to your blog.

Now, to see if the upload function works.

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