Online Labs

No matter what level of education, laboratory experiences are expensive. The expense may involve the cost of the equipment, the materials, safety accommodations, etc. Even in my field, cognitive and educational psychology, this is the case. While we moved away from specialized equipment and now mostly rely on computers, there is still the matter of the software.

APA’s education directorate (American Psychological Association) and the National Science Foundation have provided resources to create an online lab for psychology. The idea is to offer opportunities to participate in “classic” psychological experiments over the Internet and then download data for analysis and discussion. The site promotes itself to secondary and small college psychology instructors. The site also encourages researchers to generate their own experiments and gather data from Intro students at other institutions.

This site is the first psychology component of the National Science Digital Library.


Blog Copyright

I just encountered an article (Yahoo News) concerning RSS blog feeds and copyright. Why would anyone generate a blog and then be concerned about people picking up the content through an RSS feed? I am trying to understand how this could be an issue. Perhaps the “author” has some method for generating revenue based on the number of visits to his/her site. Beats me.

I have been exploring the copyright issues associated with the TEACH Act. Anyone who writes about copyright seems to run into the same problem. The answers people want are seldom clarified in the law. There is also the matter of interpreting if some vague concept applies to your situation. That is why we all say – I am not a lawyer and this information is intended for educational use. Contact a lawyer if you are looking for answers. By the way, I called a lawyer with my questions yesterday. He said he would get back to me. 🙂


Negroponte on quest for $100 laptop

CNET recently carried an article on the Quest of Nicholas Negroponte (formerly, I think, of the MIT Media Lab) for very inexpensive laptop computers. His intent is to develop a machine for education in countries with many low income families. Digital learning resources would be part of the plan. This is not speculation – a prototype exists.



Wonder how phishing works. Here is an example. I received the following complete with several eBay graphics and lots of official looking text.

I have never used eBay. It also turned out that many of the links other eBay pages from the site (such as to eBay itself) would not function.

Dear eBay Member,
We regret to inform you that your eBay account has been suspended due to the violation of our site policy below: False or missing contact information – Falsifying or omitting your name, address, and/or telephone number (including use of fax machines pager numbers, modems or disconnected numbers). Due to the suspension of this account, please be advised you are prohibited from using eBay in any way. This prohibition includes the registering of a new account. Please note that any seller fees due to eBay will immediately become due and payable. eBay will charge any amounts you have not previously disputed to the billing method currently on file.

you are required to verify your eBay account by following the link below.


We appreciate your support and understating, as we work together to keep eBay a safe place to trade.

Thank you for your patience in this matter.


High Speed Home Access

Nielson/Netratings reports that 55% of home users now have high speed access and it is estimated that this number will increase to 70% within the year.

Broadband users spend 22 hours per month online compared with 18 hours for lowband users. As the speed of information access increases, it appears the experience encourages greater use.

These data are likely to be a source of widening economic gap in Internet use outside of schools.


Achievement and SES

The Rand Corporation has released a study concluding that SES and not ethnicity or immigration status is most associated with differences in achievement.

Among other factors the study points to the significance of school readiness. ???School readiness??? means that children have acquired the social, mental, and physical skills that prepare them for classroom learning before they start school.

I can’t help thinking about No Child Left Behind and some of the assumptions about who or what is responsible for underachieving students. The Rand study reminds me of the Coleman study from the ’60s. Readiness, resources, and out of school factors account for performance differences. While accountability is always important, it might be relevant to recognize that lots of folks must be held accountable. I do not mean to sound insensitive, but there is a difference between recognizing cause and assigning blame. Parents are a major cause of differences in school performance. Perhaps a better way of recognizing this reality would be to suggest that life circumstances that are associated with parents have a great deal to do with student achievement. Parents often have little control over such life circumstances. However, schools and teachers also have little control over the life circumstances of the students the they teach.

It may be a great idea not to have a high proportion of underachieving students in any given school, but there are many reasons such inequities develop. A voucher system may encourage some of these students to attend other schools and this may be a great solution for the students who leave, but it does little to attract students with high motivation and good academic backgrounds TO these schools. “Recent policy initiatives of some states and school districts to balance school funding across all schools as well as to balance the racial composition of the schools are likely to be worthwhile.”
