Wonder how Google works? Susan Kuchinskas of InternetNews provides some insights. The piece provides some information about both the hardware and software employed. Pretty cool if you are interested in this kind of thing.
Wonder how Google works? Susan Kuchinskas of InternetNews provides some insights. The piece provides some information about both the hardware and software employed. Pretty cool if you are interested in this kind of thing.
AT&T has created a demonstration of new text to speech technology. You can try this out yourself. There are important applications for this technology in compensating for disabilities – to speak or read for those who cannot speak or read for themselves.
The new report contends the law leads to unintended consequences and that the federal government is indifferent to them – the lowering of academic standards, increasing segregation in school and the driving away of top teachers from needy schools. It claims the government is also violating the Constitution by coercing state compliance.
Chair of the House Education Committee (John Boehner) claims states want the money, but not the high standards that come with it.
Associated Press Article
CNN analysis
Committe Executive Summary
I have decided to turn off the comment option. While I can prevent spammer comments from being presented as part of the blog, I cannot prevent the accumulation of spam comments waiting for my approval. The automatic spam generation programs create a large volume of traffic that is of no value and slows down server functions.
I would be happy to read your comments if you send them to me directly.
Academics are beginning to think carefully about the potential value of blogs. I value the work of those who can structure information and ideas in ways that are complete and meaningful.
Here is a paper from Martin R??ll that offers a nice perspective on the value of blogs for knowledge workers.
The ipodlounge has a nice article on podcasting. Who is doing it? What does it take if I want to do it myself? Were is this activity going? Nice summary that answers a lot of questions.
eSchool News reports Taskstream intends to invite 50,000 high school students to sign up for a two-year research study intended to evaluate the value of eportfolios. Students will be provided free access to the eportfolio software. School districts and states are invited to propose projects.