Identifying the most popular posts from the previous year is a common thing for bloggers to do. We like looking at our stats and perhaps others may have missed a popular post for one reason or another.
Here are my top three posts on this blog for 2022
Shape-shifting Portfolio People
Hyperdocs, WebQuests and Other Teacher Created Designs
Here is the interesting thing about these posts. None were written in 2022. I was puzzled by this discovery until I looked at some of the other stats for the year. These stats include the referrer for visits to this blog. People might just bookmark this site and visit it to see what I have written. A related approach would be to use an RSS reader that follows multiple blogs and shows when anything new has been posted. This is the primary way I identify new content on other blogs. Twitter and Mastodon are linked to this blog and a short announcement appears when I write something new. So, there are connections from social media announcements. Finally, blog posts are followed by search engines and posts may appear in the list of hits when a search engine is used.
The most frequent way for others to come to this blog is through the use of a search engine. This is probably the reason older posts are most frequently visited. It might also mean I have not cultivated enough Twitter followers. It probably indicates I am old school in relying on RSS to follow bloggers and this discovery method has fallen out of favor.
Whatever the access method, I appreciate your attention to the topics we both seem to find interesting. Happy New Year.
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