There is so much attention to AI with the release of ChatGPT I know most educators have wondered what the future holds. I propose a simple step that offers some insights into the capabilities of AI as a way to test the waters.
There is a Chrome extension that generates side-by-side Google search results and ChatGPT replies to the same request. Adding an extension is not that difficult. The site makes the install fairly easy. You do need to create a ChatGPT account (you will be prompted) and this has been challenging because the service has been overwhelmed and persistence is required. After using this extension, you can move beyond this experience to submitting requests directly to ChapGPT.
Here are some examples I generated based on questions I happened to have at that moment. The Google results appear to the left and the ChatGPT response to the right.
Q. When is raking snow off your roof necessary?

Q. 2 – Why is renting in Hawaii so expensive?

Q. 3 – What are some examples of mastery learning strategies? (the third column was generated by MEMEX which is a note-taking tool I use and that offers any notes I happen to have that seem relevant).

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