My past couple of posts have returned to a topic I have addressed several times over the years – technology can made practical the benefits of personalized mastery learning. To conclude this focus and offer an example to justify my claim of practicality, I want to bring attention to legislation recently passed in the state of North Dakota. I spent a good part of my working life as an academic in North Dakota. I don’t regard North Dakota as a progressive state for educational innovation, but perhaps that is my point. Innovation can be a function of the efforts of individual innovators as administrators or educators with administrative support and such individuals can be quite influential.
North Dakota just passed legislation makes it easier for districts wanting to institute personalized approaches to pace and the demonstration of competence in meeting graduation requirements. In addition, the state will facilitate the development of a learning continuum as a resource for those schools wanting to offer students an alternative to the more traditional time-based definitions of courses and progress.
Shall facilitate the development and implementation of a North Dakota learning continuum in collaboration with the department of career and technical education, upon the recommendation of the kindergarten through grade twelve education coordination council.
Here are a couple of resources explaining the intent of the legislation.
Statement from the Office of the Governor.
My point in this post is to offer the suggestion that the concepts and procedures identified in the two previous posts about standards for hybrid learning and plans for personalization instruction through what I refer to as mastery methods are being implemented in locations and this activity may not be familiar to many educators.
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