We recently returned from a trip to southern Africa during which we had the opportunity to view and photograph the amazing wildlife of this area. I took hundreds and hundreds of photos and kept probably half. One task I took on as a project was to select from these images some I thought students might find useful. Yes, you could create a similar collection by going to the zoo and such a visit by students would be superior to looking at my pictures. However, what I have done is create a collection I am making available under creative common licenses. If you have a use for these photos, download them. I also linked the images to online content offering additional information.
For me, bird identification is not easy. I am not a birder and I easily forgot the identifications provided by our guides. I used several online tools to try to attach accurate labels to the photos I have. There are several African birding guides available online. I found one of the best tools was Google lens. This service required I download images I had taken with my camera to my phone, but once this was accomplished Google provided a best guess, images to compare, and links to additional information.
The photos are available through Flickr and you can take a look if interested.

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