Four Years with LastFM

Today is the 4 year anniversary of my LastFM membership (I am a subscribe – $4 a month). LastFM has data on nearly 125,000 listens over this period of time. It is interesting to look at the history – what did I listen to last week, month, year, etc.

It might seem that LastFM would have little to do with any insights I might have for the use of “the cloud” or social sites for educational ends. This is not necessarily the case. I think there is always the opportunity to generate insights when you explore tool applications outside of your own area of expertise. Within your area of expertise, your models limit your perspective. There are opportunities to see new things when your models are not in play.

I am fascinated by the amount of time it would take to listen to 125,000 songs. At 3 minutes per song that is 6250 hours. What does 6250 hours exposure to anything, no matter the level of attention involved, do to you. I see that I have listened to “Sweet Child of Mine” (Guns N Roses) 93 times in the past four years. Why?

I enjoy exploring the music of my neighbours. The idea of finding common interests and then exploring the differences (what else I might explore) is a general idea with some carry. I must admit to limiting my social involvement – the idea of a 60+ matching with people in their 20s is a little freaky.

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