WIFI access as a universal right

Is internet access a right? I guess it depends on who you ask? Providers who have invested millions, perhaps billions, in hooking many of us up argue their investment assumed they could charge a fee for access. They have a valid point, but the reality is that this logic leaves many without. Clearly, some do not have the means to take advantage of internet resources and some end up being treated differently based on where they happen to live. History demonstrates we have encountered these issues before. Electricity and phone service are examples. A pure market approach ignores those who cannot be conveniently connected or expects some unfortunates to pay additional fees.

There is some hope this issue will be addressed by the new administration (after the economy is back on course I assume). The outgoing FCC chair made a pitch for universal access and the FCC promises to address this issue in the near future.

High speed Internet access could be argued to be an economic/educational necessity much in the way transportation (Interstate highways), power, electricity, and phone communication came to be regarded as necessary services.

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Time and Change

We drove back from MSP this afternoon and that provides the opportunity to listen to podcasts. One of the news items on TWIT was the decision of PCMag to cease publication of its long term publication and move entirely to the web. The sentiment of the group was that this type of change is inevitable and those who focus on tech content will simply see the changes first. This is certainly been our experience. Try writing a book on technology applications in the classroom.

I celebrated my 60th birthday while in Minneapolis. My age may surprise some who have followed my comments on technology. I may have been interested in the things that interest me now at a younger age, but I had to wait.

Picture taken at Fogo de Chao with Cindy and daughter Kim

One nice thing about birthdays that end in zero is that you get a bigger present (at least when past 50). Cindy bought me an AppleTV. The AppleTV requires a HDTV so the new television will have to be the Christmas present. I am not a big movie viewer, but we are interested in streaming media and selected the AppleTV after also considering a Mac Mini. You can extend the AppleTV with an add-on such as the ATVFlash and explore a wide variety of media sources. This combination seemed a less complicated approach.

Happy birthday to me. More on the new toys after we have had some time get things set up and to experiment.

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