Founding Fathers Argument

OK – the following post has little educational relevance. I will allow the following post because a) I warned you and b) this is my blog.

I was listening to the Glenn Beck show on my way to the grocery store. I blame this on my wife. She likes talk radio and I took her car. Beck was talking about the U.S. Constitution and how we presently are straying from the wisdom of the founding fathers (use the link because this seems to be a popular theme at present).

I was thinking about the wisdom of the founders and whether their logic as applied to the world as they knew it trumps our understanding of our world as we know it. Clearly, the principles of this nation have stood the test of time …. 

Wait, I take that back. It appears that that our core principles can change as our values change. Why, it turns out it is ok for women to vote. It is not ok to keep slaves. You can drink alcohol, wait you can’t drink alcohol, no – you can drink alcohol. 

 I take the part about educational relevance back (wikipedia consideration of amendments). 
