I tend not to provide very much profile information when I enroll for web 2.0 services. I admit to being a male, but that is about it. I seldom reveal my age.
My world has just expanded. I have just discovered the world of older bloggers and sites devoted to their interests. I encountered a a request to complete an elderblogger survey on a site entitled “Time goes by: What it’s really like to get old.” It was kind of like learning I now qualify for less expensive coffee at Hardees.
No, I did not fill out the survey. Us old folks are cranky.
BTW – no disrespect intended by this post. I do care about health care. I also think your blog role as a whole offers much more creative titles than are contained on the ed type blogs list I mostly follow. If I cannot look forwarded to getting smarter, maybe at least I will become more creative.
Blog on my brothers and sisters.
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