Easy or not – stealing is stealing

It really bothers me when anyone connected with education seems to accept the inevitability of digital theft and proposes alternatives to support creative individuals without condemning the behavior. We should begin any comment on the matter with a clear statement that theft is wrong and those wishing to access digital content that comes few restrictions should learn how to locate such content. I would prefer encouraging students to focus on Creative Commons material and educators to contribute such resoruces.

Will Richardson’s recent remix and commenting of a post from Edge.com verges on the “the give up” or perhaps even “the ignore”. Call me naive or idealistic. I am neither. But, the implication that we might as well concern ourselves with other models for supporting intellectual property is troubling without a statement of concern is troubling. Kids drink. Kids have sex. Kids do drugs. Kids bully each other. Educators need to accept the student and help. This acceptance of the student is typically accompanied by an effort to prevent when possible.I think it is sad that capable individuals get ripped off and I think it is important to say so.


HowCast – Learn Something Specific

HowCast offers very brief instructional videos – short training videos offered by folks who know how. Today’s features include:

  • How to paint a wall
  • How to pack a carry-on bag
  • How to pray the Rosary
  • How to increase the life of your iPod battery

One category is focused specifically on “kids”. The offerings in this category and actually throughout the site may be helpful to teachers looking for hands-on ideas.

TechCrunch explains the startup and the format of HowCast.
