I leave town for just a few days and another blogger scoops me on a really cool local idea (my excuse – we donate the local paper when we are gone or I would have been all over this).
Doug Johnson (Blue Skunk Blog) evidently was in town for a wedding. He describes this as a destination wedding – maybe it just seems that way if you are from Mankato, MN . Anyway, he decides to read the “Pulitzer prize” winning GFHerald and discovers a column in the paper attempting to generate a list of the seven wonders of Grand Forks. Doug must have had some down time because he drove around and took pictures of the sites for his blog.
He is right when he proposes this could be a great local project for someone. What are your local wonders?
Actually, I have been collecting images of local “wonders” myself this summer and I have been exploring our neighbors to the east. You may have observed my pictures of the world’s largest prairie chicken and Big “Ole” in my side bar.
Rothsay, MN
Alexandria, MN
I have to give Doug credit. He posted a response nearly as quickly as I could hit the “Save” button. I do admire those bloggers who put their heart and soul into their sites and really keep on top of things.
He is right about the difficulty in adding “comments” to my blog – it can be done, but it is not easy. I gave up on the easy approach to protect anyone who is willing to read my material from the spammers of the world. Here is the way it works. You have to “register”. The system then sends me a notification and I have to upgrade your status (allow comments, allow posts, etc.). I prefer participants with email addresses or web sites I can track to an educational institution. Else – I will likely send you an email and ask for additional information.
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