I am posting this because some of you may be interested in higher ed positions and because the person hired will be my colleague.
The University of North Dakota Department of Teaching and Learning is seeking applications for an anticipated tenure-track position in Instructional Design & Technology (http://idt.und.edu) at the assistant or associate professor rank, contingent upon funding.
Responsibilities: teach graduate courses in Instructional Design & Technology, develop and maintain hybrid online/on-campus delivery, advise students, maintain active program of scholarly research & publication, and provide service to the university.
Qualifications: an earned doctorate in Instructional Design (ABD considered). Background in human-computer interaction, human-performance technology, interactive media, web-based instruction, and digital technologies helpful.
To apply: letter of application, curriculum vita, transcripts (unofficial accepted), and 3 letters of recommendation to: Glenn Olsen, Chair; Department of Teaching & Learning, Education Room 3, 231 Centennial Dr Stop 7189, Grand Forks, ND 58202-7189. Phone 701-777-3145. Fax: 701-777-3246. E-mail: glennolsen@mail.und.nodak.edu. Screening is immediate and continues until the position is filled. Position begins August 16, 2007.
UND is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.
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