This blog software was just updated. I begin my summer teaching duties tomorrow and wanted to make sure my blog software was current. This upgrade process is always a little tricky and one should almost expect some difficulties. This time a plugin I had added had to be deactivated to install the new software and the attempted activation of the updated software generated an error message because the plugin was not active. This is the type of catch-22 one encounters when combining products (the blog software and the plugin). No matter how carefully instructions are written, the author really has no idea of what has been done to tweak the system so it is impossible to write complete instructions for every unknown user. The messages for those willing to take on running a personal server are as follows:
- backup in case you must backup (I just thought of this – cute huh),
- don’t panic and do something stupid, and
- treat the situation like a learning opportunity
These comment are mainly for my wife who must frequently listen to my frustration during the time period between when I find myself in this type of situation and before I figure out the solution. “Mark, what would your students say if they would hear you say those things.” Anyway, I did figure out what was wrong and generated a solution.
By the way, the purpose of the upgrade was to provide better security. Hopefully, you will be unable to tell the difference. However, whether you know it or not, we are all now more secure.
I do owe WordPress some recognition. This is great software and I recommend it to those of you looking to run a blog on your own equipment.