A Mac Virus?

The buzz is that virus creators have found a way to pick on Mac users (Washington Post article). As I understand the approach, Mac users must be tricked into downloading a file purported to be a picture but that is actually a program. When opened, the program attempts to send itself to anyone on the users iChat list.

The logic works like this – here is a secret file, open it, run it, and see what happens (I am being facetious here). The danger would seem to be in situations in which you receive such a file from someone you know and do not stop to wonder why an image file would come in a compressed form, etc.

MacWorld Article

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Be accountable for your words

An issue Cindy addresses in her preprofessional technology for teachers class is the longevity and visibility of what we say on the Internet. Her point to future teachers is that the behaviors you describe online (.e.g., myspace) may be available for consideration by future employers (or parents if that thought is scarier).

An eSchool News article  considers a similar issue and describes some similar examples (e.g., high school athletes bragging about drinking behavior). The message – be aware of your digital footprint.

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