I have noticed something. Other bloggers use cool names for their blogs. I did not know this when I started blogging years ago. I thought EdTech was descriptive. I like Andy Carvin’s Waste of Bandwidth – a little self-deprecation is a good thing. Mathemagenic is cool too. A little mystery draws attention. I have not encountered that word since I read Rothkopf back in the 60s and 70s. Final example – One Trick Pony (remember what I said about self-deprecation).
After a couple of minutes of careful thought (a minute more than I devoted to the original name for this blog), I have come up with Learning Aloud. In my strange way of viewing the world, this is a derivation of Think Aloud (see Kucan & Beck if this phrase is foreign). Learning aloud is what I think some bloggers do. They use a blog as an externalization of what they are learning. They externalize as a way to think through ideas and evaluate their own understanding. If others happen to find such musing of value, so much the better.
The colon?? I read somewhere that a study of research journals determined that a high proportion of the titles of published research articles contain a colon. I am a man of science and I want to do the right thing.
Kucan, L. & Beck, I. (1997). Thinking aloud and reading comprehension: Inquiry, Instruction, and Social Interaction. Review of Educational Research, 67(3), 271-299