TNT 2005 – Day 3

The final day of the TNT conference runs half a day so that folks have an opportunity to drive home. Grand Forks is on the eastern edge of the state so many conference participants have a long way to go.

I attended a session today sponsored by the (North Dakota Interactive Video Network. K12 videoconferencing in North Dakota is a big deal primarily because small schools can share resources (i.e, mostly instructors) with other schools in a cost effective manner. We are talking H.323 (IP) applications.

The session had a broader purpose and spent a considerable amount of time promoting on-line resources not involving other ND schools. The basic idea is that ???providers??? are offering educational videoconferencing experiences ??? typically for a modest price (say $100 or so) and these experiences (often interactive) can be used to expand student educational opportunities.

Some Examples: You may have to explore to locate the resources provided – try locating “educational resources”.

Cleveland Institute of Music

Albany Institute of History and Art

National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum

National Aviary

Ways to Locate Resources

Virtual Field Trip Search Engine

Videoconferencing for Learing
