The feds have just released a new survey concerning K-12 use of the Internet.
Parstad, B. & Jones, J. (2005). Internet access in U.S. Public Schools and classrooms: 1994-2003. (NCES 2005-015). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics
Yes – I realize 2003 and new survey should not be used in the same post when describing the Internet, but it may have taken some time to get results through the editorial process.
Some key findings (if schools have Internet connection):
1) 93% of instructional rooms have Internet access
2) 32% have wireless access
– wireless access is one variable sensitive to SES differences (ranging from 36% to 25% across grouping variable)
3) ratio of students to Internet-enabled computer is 4.4:1
– varied with SES differences (4.2:1 to 5.1:1)
– overall change since 1998 12.1 to 4.4
4) 48% of schools allow students to use computers outside of regular hours
5) 82% provided professional development to staff on use of Internet in instruction