You may notice that the blog looks different. You may also note that there is a long gap between the date for the current past and the next older post. I had a little server problem. Actually, it was a big server problem. I am now operating off a different machine. I also decided to upgrade the blog software (b2 => WordPress).
The gap in posts was caused by the lose of data. I do make an effort to back up (like all good edtech people), but a mysql backup is not exactly what you might expect. You do not simply move one file from the computer to a storage device (e.g., CD). You have to export the database info you want to save and in the case of emergency rebuild the MySQL database. The is the kind of task they pay IT people to do and a hassle for people like me. Anyway, it has been a learning experience.
I will be adding as much content as I did have backed up as I have time. Good to be back and thanks for your patience.
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