Failing Schools are Behind in Use of Technology

eSchool News (you may have to enroll for access) recently summarized a report by Market Data Retrieval indicating that schools struggling to meet the No Child Left Behind adequate yearly progress goals were behind in the use of technology.
– use laptop computers – 39% vs. 43%
– high speed Internet access – 75% vs. 80%
– use Internet for instruction – 74% vs. 79%
– teachers “beginners” in using technology – “majority” vs. 18%

Interpretation? Technology causes higher achievement?

My guess – it is all about the money. I would bet one could eliminate the differences by controlling for % of kids receiving reduced cost lunch.

On a related matter: The “Texas Miracle” has become a political example justifying “No Child Left Behind.” Now, the validity of these claims is being disputed – 60 Minutes.

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