State Technology Plan

Those of us in higher ed typically bristle at claims that we work in an ivory tower. The implication is that we are unaware of how things work in the “real world.” I prefer to understand such complaints as the lack of an understanding that people often function in “parallel universes” – this view encourages the perspective that groups share the blame for any lack of understanding or common interest rather than assuming the problem is owned by one group.

I learned at the conference I attended this week that North Dakota has a State Technology Plan. This plan outlines expectations for schools, teachers, and students. I was vaguely aware of such documents because of the recent Ed Week special report that indicated states have technology plan and even the awareness the U.S. is working on a technology plan (see blog of 6/6 – you can participate). Such plans are significant. States are strongly encouraged to develop plans by linking the presence of such plans to federal dollars. States “encourage” individual schools through the same mechanism.

I am surprised that there are not more discussions among those of us involved in the preparation of teachers and those working to assure the competence of practicing teachers. I am not certain that “just in time learning” is always the most efficient approach or is always possible. I understand that universities value their independence and do not assume the teachers they prepare will all work within the state. I also understand that we explore ideas that may prove impractical. These are just different perspectives on the same goals. There must be more opportunities to develop a shared vision (or at least overlapping visions) and responsibility.

Check out your state technology plan. You should be able to locate it online.
