Pavlo’s Picks

One of the more immediately useful sessions I attended was provided by graduate student Pavlo Antonenko. His topic was building online community through the use of FREE opportunities for online interactivity. I must admit that he provided demonstrations of some online resources I had not seen before and that I found to be very impressive. He concentrated on several sites for conducting online polls and on AIMOO – a very flexible set of tools for various forms of discussion and interaction (message board, chat).

Pavlo has posted handouts from his presentation and welcomes you to download these PDFs.
MY3Q – online questionnaire generator.
The National Education Association publication NEAToday feature story for April is on class use of technology – Are you ready?


Back in Town

Sorry nothing has been posted for a few days. I have been on the road (New York) and while I was gone a power outage brought down my servers. Usually, a surge simply causes the computers to restart and a link in the “on startup” folder restarts the server software. In this case, the power was out for some time and both servers did not restart the software. Hasn’t happened since the flood of 1997.

Anyway, Kim Kommando, the tech radio talkshow host, offers the following kid IM slang. She suggests parents need to be aware of what this “shorthand” means.

Here are some other codes the kids use when IM’ing:
POS — Parent is over my shoulder so watch what you say
POP – Parent is on prowl and could walk in any moment
SOS — Sibling over shoulder who will tell on me
ASL — What’s your age, sex and location?
TTYL — Talk to you later
BRB — Be right back
HHOK — Ha hah, only kidding
MOATM — Music on at the moment
LQ — Laughing quietly because someone is in the room
G2G — Gotta go!
CTN — Can’t talk now
