Another Complaint!

This is the type of thing that drives me crazy. I am developing interative web pages using PHP and MySQL. I am getting things to work, but the process is slow. I see a Macromedia Dreamweaver MX ad indicating that Dreamweaver allows for easy integration of database content using PHP and MySQL. I install the software and I can get it to connect to the web site,but not to the database server. After fooling around for a few hours, I find the following page offered by Macromedia Support. The message suggests that OS X users download the trial version and test it first before they purchase MX. The message, in clear terms such as “this is still a buggy product and you might want to test it to see if it really offers the services we say it offers”, did not appear on the web site. I am not used to reading the technical notes until AFTER I purchase a product.


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