Next to CNN and any channel showing sporting events, TechTV is possibly my favorite television channel. The information density is not great, but I pick up something every now and then. The Screen Savers program has a good web site and archive (TechTv) that often provides me relevant information. A recent program focused on satellite imagery and explained how you can access images of your own community (program notes).

Grand Forks Map

My wife and I have an agreement about shopping trips. She goes shopping and I go to Barnes and Noble to drink coffee and look for books. We both like things this way.

I tend to get ideas when I have the time to sit around, look through books, and drink coffee. During my most recent “shopping trip”, I started looking at books about blogging and I ended up purchasing two (“we’ve got blog” by Perseus Publishing and “We blog: Publishing online with weblogs” by Bausch, Haughey and Hourihan). Why not start a blog about issues in technology and education? This would not be my first blog (Grabe NECC blog), but this would be my first serious attempt to maintain a blog over an extended period of time.

Here is my idea. Cindy and I are now between books. We always hope we have the opportunity to write the next edition. Rather than wait to find out if this will be the case, I tend to start collecting ideas and in formation immediately. I use some of this information in developing our web site (Grabe book site), but there are many ideas and resources that simply do not fit with structure of the web site. Why not use a blog to retain this information for personal use and share some of this content with others?


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