Tools and Tactics

We consider this the more "applied" area of this site. Here we discuss:

1. tools - the application categories commonly associated with the participatory web, and
2. tactics - ideas for applying each application in and out of the classroom.

Our plan is to begin with what are now the most common applications (e.g., blogs, podcasts, wikis) and add additional tools as our time allows and trends we observe require.

    Tools - Blog

    Tactics - Blog

        Group Microblogs

    Tools - Wiki

    Tactics - Wiki

    Tools - Social Bookmarking

    Tactics - Social Bookmarking

    Tools - Image Sharing

    Tactics - Image Sharing

    Tools - Podcasting

    Tactics - Podcasting

    Tools - Embellished documents

Recently, familiar desktop applications have been retooled to work in an online environment. Many of these tools are also suited to participatory activities.

    Browser Applications - General Description

        Tools - Google Docs Writing

Authenticate - avoid hassles and authenticate before you encounter protected content.

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