I can save Clearly now

Sometimes you pick up an idea for a creative use you have not discovered because there has been no need to consider a situation in a different way. This is called “functional fixedness” if I remember my Intro Psych lecture on problem solving. I have used Evernote Clearly as a way to save web content I wanted to use in a future writing task to Evernote. This is the way the “extension” (I use it in the Chrome browser) is intended to work. The extension removes the clutter from a web page so that the core article is easier to read and cleaner to save for personal research (contrast the two images that appear at the bottom of this post).

I attended a session at TIES presented by a librarian and the presenter suggested that Clearly be used to save content to Google Docs. Acknowledging that this was not the intended purpose, he suggested schools using Google for Education would likely prefer that students work within the Google environment. Rather than saving content to Evernote, he had students use Clearly to isolate research material from a page and then suggested students copy and paste the content they wanted to save for later writing tasks to Google docs. I am not certain how the Evernote folks would evaluate this approach, but it does work.





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