
I wonder if the ease with which digital video can be saved will influence how we think about political candidates? In the present election candidates are pushed to offer specific details on their plans for the economy, health care, or defense and sometimes they come up with plans. The plans are often vague at first, sometimes the proposals become more specific under prodding, and somethings the plans are altered when the public does not react favorably. However, the commitments are often not really commitments. This is partly the advantage of vagueness and partly explained away by changing circumstances. Still, what if elected officials had to respond to their own promises a year or two down the road. Perhaps, a record of promises made during this season will serve such a purpose. 

Here a couple of clips available on YouTube – search for what interests you from 2004.


This clip from Republican convention 2004. Included are comments on NCLB, tax relief, the economy, etc.


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